“Vladimir Putin manipulated Europe, instrumentalized his dialogue with Emmanuel Macron”, denounces Valérie Pécresse

For Valérie Pécresse, it is necessary that “the European Union be firm” with Russia for “roll back the offensive now”.

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“We need economic sanctions targeted at Russia”declared Valérie Pécresse on Tuesday February 22 on France Inter, after the recognition by Vladimir Putin of the two self-proclaimed Republics of Donestk and Lugansk in the Donbass in Ukraine. “I was struck by this verbal violence, which serves to convince the Russian people that this cause is just, because in reality the Russian people want to live in peace within their borders. There is something voluntary in this violence, c is that of the mobilization of a people for a cause that is not its own”commented Valérie Pécresse.

According to the Republican presidential candidate, “Once again Vladimir Putin has manipulated Europe, instrumentalized his dialogue with Emmanuel Macron”because “In reality he already knew what he was going to do and he used our diplomacy to show off by saying ‘I negotiated all the way’.”

“We must do everything to avoid escalation and to provoke an electric shock, we need economic sanctions targeted on Russia”

Valerie Pécresse


The current president of the Île-de-France region believes that it is necessary that “the European Union be firm”. And this with the aim of “roll back the offensive now”.

If, according to her, “we cannot blame the President of the Republic for having sought to dialogue”however Valérie Pécresse regrets that “this dialogue was so late” and whether it is a “solitary dialogue” : “Emmanuel Macron staged himself by going to Moscow alone, he should have gone there with the German chancellor, with representatives of the European Union, to show a united and powerful European Union”she said.

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