Alone after her abortion, her husband Marc Lavoine sends her “flowers and chocolate”, she decides to leave their apartment

His new book has not yet been released, but is already making noise. “A possible life”, in bookstores on March 2, is an autofiction in which the author recounts her own ordeals: an abortion, and a miscarriage while she was pregnant with twins.

Two ordeals of a lifetime, which Line Papin faced alongside Marc Lavoine. As a couple for four years, they have suffered from these upheavals. Asked in the columns of Femme Actuelle while waiting for the release of her book, Line Papin confided in about the terrible repercussions on her couple.

It all starts in March 2021, during the abortion. At this time, the author explains without her work that she was able to count on the support of her mother, but not that of her husband. When she has an abortion, she is alone. Marc Lavoine then makes a gesture, and has him send “flowers and chocolate”. At this precise moment, the young woman is lost. She decides to leave the apartment she shares with him, “I need to be alone, I explained to my husband and he didn’t ask me questions, he understood“, and settles on the fourth floor of a building without elevator. A hasty departure, but for a good reason “I need to leave our apartment, because of this room intended for children never born, with this pink neon, life is beautiful, because of the other children’s rooms, those of those who were born, but not me , because of dreams, because of disappointments…” she specifies.

This distance in the couple, this incomprehension, Line Papin describes it as an untenable silence, “We don’t talk about what happened and this silence in our hearts resembles contemplation. I write that my husband did not speak to me about it again afterwards. Out of modesty, out of fear of stirring things up, he told me, so as not to go back to what hurt us”.

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