what changes (and what does not change) in the health protocol at school from today

The pupils of zone B are the first to benefit from the reduced protocol in elementary school, when they return from vacation on Monday.

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Less sanitary measures at school. Thanks to the decline of the Omicron wave, elementary school students in zone B, returning from vacation on Monday February 21, find a reduced health protocol. The latter goes from level 3 to level 2 in primary schools (nursery and elementary) after the winter holidays in the different zones (February 21 for zone B, February 28 for A, March 7 for C). Colleges and high schools remain at level 2 protocol. Franceinfo summarizes the rules in force in schools.

What changes

The mask is no longer mandatory at recess. I’the obligation to wear a mask in the playground in elementary schools has been lifted in elementary schools – the mask was already not compulsory for kindergarten children. It will also no longer be required during indoor physical activities. En the other hand, students must continue to wear it if they practice a contact sport.

Easing the rules for mixing students. They will now be able to mix more widely with classmates of their level and not just of their class, especially in the canteen. Students will also be able to “be assigned to a class corresponding to their level in the absence of their teacher”writes the ministry on its website.

The end of sworn statements. The famous documents that families submitted after the first self-test of their child contact case are no longer mandatory. In addition, from February 28, contact case students will no longer have to take three tests but only one after two days. This relaxation will concern all contact cases in the population.

What does not change

The mask remains compulsory in the classrooms. Wearing a mask in indoor spaces remains, at this stage, required in enclosed spaces for staff and students aged six and over.writes the ministry on its website. Jean-Michel Blanquer recently mentioned the forthcoming lifting of the wearing of masks: children should “very likely” be able to remove it indoors at school before the end of the school year.

Maintenance of hygiene measures. Reinforced ventilation and hand washing measures remain in effect.

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