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The situation is getting worse in Ukraine. According to the political scientist Nicolas Tenzer, continued Russian attacks could lead to imminent conflict, but Ukraine will not attack first.
The tense situation between Russia and Ukraine raises fears of the worst. But can everything change from one hour to another? “Everything has already started to change. Today there is an intensification of pressure from Russia”explains Nicolas Tenzer, political scientist and teacher at Sciences Po, joined by videoconference. “We have seen attacks by Russians and forces concealed in these regions. The Russian regime is stepping up interventions. We can therefore imagine a further escalation in the coming days”he continues.
“There is a clear desire from Putin to regain control of these territories completely, to launch an offensive to prove that he is the strongest and that he does not care about the West. (…) Russia is the only country in Europe that commits war crimes”hammers Nicholas Tenzer. And if the eyes of the whole world are riveted on Vladimir Putin, it is not to displease the current Russian president: “Until now, he has always managed to impose his agenda. The Europeans and the Americans are reacting to him”.