Marisol Touraine, the former MP for Indre-et-Loire, calls for a vote for Emmanuel Macron

He is the only one who can counter the extreme right according to her. Marisol Touraine supports Emmanuel Macron in the columns of the Parisian. The former PS MP for the third constituency of Indre-et-Loire (from 1997 to 2002, then from 2007 to 2012) and former Minister of Health under François Hollande calls to vote for the current President of the Republic in the April 2022 presidential election.

“The useful and responsible vote is Emmanuel Macron”

“The far right is very strong, it stirs up hatred and divides the country. Faced with this, the right has gone astray and the left has evaporated. The useful and responsible vote is Emmanuel Macron. He is the only one who has the solidity to face challenges and carry a positive vision of the future”explains Marisol Touraine, even if the President of the Republic is still not an official candidate.

Withdrawn from the political scene since her defeat in the legislative elections in 2017, but still a member of the Socialist Party, she does not believe in the candidacy of Anne Hidalgo. “I will not go into Hidalgo bashing. But the PS has not been able to use the last five years to bounce back and bring new ideas”she believes.

As for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, to whom Ségolène Royal, another socialist figure, gave her support, the former minister replied: “I am consistent with my history, my commitments. I have never been on this left, radical”.

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