we cook zander with Jacques Hildenbrand from Excelsior

We discovered some great recipes including how to prepare a small purse of pike-perch. We also took recipes with a white butter sauce.

Charlotte, from the Poissonnerie SCHALER told us about this fish that we find all year round on the stalls and which is currently selling for 20 euros per kg, she loves to cook it in pavé

Our leader

Jacques Hildenbrand is head of the Excelsior in Nancy

Our culinary expert

Guylaine runs a pastry blog and makes custom pastries. She explained to us how we can put candies from the Vosges in our cakes. You can find it here

One day a trade

The Schaler fish shop, at the Central Market in Nancy, reminded us that there are still scallops to be found, and that we have to hurry, since the season is ending soon. Fishing is highly regulated.

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