“The truth, I no longer expect it too much”, confides the sister of Maëlys

The sister of little Maëlys has agreed to speak to franceinfo before the verdict for Nordahl Lelandais, expected this Friday, February 18. She waits for the judgment to measure up to the suffering of her family.

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She will have been one of the central figures of this trial. Little Ma’s sisterëlily agreed to speak to franceinfo before verdict for Nordahl Lelandais, expected this Friday, February 18.

Colleen had risen on the sixth day of trial against Nordahl Lelandais. From the height of her 17 years, she had challenged him in a strong, determined voice: “Tell the truth ! We can’t take any more of your lies“. But facing her, the accused had remained unmoved. A difficult but essential moment: “I wanted to unload my hate and all the sadness I had inside. It was very important to me and I wanted to do it for my sister and for her memory. I think she deserved it. She sacrificed her life to stop this dangerous criminal.”, says Colleen.

>> Trial of Nordahl Lelandais: life imprisonment required against a “pest of innocence”

After three weeks of hearing, before the Assize Court of Isère in Grenoble. The issue is not guilt, since Nordahl Lelandais has acknowledged the facts, but rather that of the dangerousness of the accused and his ability to improve. On this question, the Advocate General left little room for doubt: Nordahl Lelandais is “an absolute social danger, a psychopath who won’t changes”, according to Jacques Dallest.

Yet despite Colleen’s words, despite the lawyers’ questions, despite the confessions, later contradicted, of Nordahl Lelandais, Maëlys’ family comes out of this trial with the impression of not knowing what really happened that evening. . “The truth, I no longer expect too much. I’m a little helpless. I hoped he was telling the truth. He didn’t say it, that saddened me a bit. I find it a shame because he could have freed himself and been worthy.“, she regrets.

Colleen and her family are now waiting to hear the verdict, at the height of the suffering of his family.

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