Close to the Hells behind the demonstration in Quebec: Stéphane Gagnon puts his jacket back on

The organizer of the Saguenay convoy to the anti-sanitary measures demonstrations in Quebec, Stéphane Gagnon, announced Thursday afternoon that he had put on his Devils Ghosts jacket, the Hells Angels school club to which he belonged.

• Read also: A criminal close to the Hells behind the Quebec demo

“Following the report which associates Club 81 [Hells Angels] to the protest movement against sanitary measures, I inform you that I myself have put my jacket back on and that I am no longer part of a Club MC”, indicated on his Facebook page Stéphane Gagnon.

Stéphane Gagnon wore a toque in the colors of his biker gang while chatting with Bernard “Rambo” Gauthier in Saguenay.

The Saguenay man also clarified that at no time had the motorcycle club been associated with the movement he defends.

His affiliation with organized crime was revealed Thursday by a report from the Bureau of Investigation. In an interview, Gagnon had himself confirmed to be a member of the Devils Ghosts. He had appeared with a tuque of the group on a photo in the company of Bernard ”Rambo” Gauthier, organizer of the “Convoy for freedom”, demonstration which took place in Quebec on February 5 and which must repeat this weekend.

“The report that TVA made gives a false impression and at no time did I represent the Hells Angels club for whom I still have great respect, much more than the politicians who govern us,” wrote the principal. interested.

A single photo?

And it’s not just bikers who dissociate themselves from Stéphane Gagnon. Bernard ”Rambo” Gauthier, one of the organizers of the “Convoy for freedom” also tried to reduce his links with the one behind the Saguenay convoy to a simple photo.

In a Facebook video by anti-sanitary measures influencer Dan Pilon on Thursday morning, Bernard Gauthier simply launched “that a guy [avait] been photographed with [eux], a guy from Saguenay. The poor guy [serait dans] organized crime”.

“Me and Kevin, we took maybe 5,000 selfies two weeks ago, do you think I started asking everyone for ID cards and driver’s licenses?” organizer of the demonstration, without however specifying that Gagnon had also made a speech on the stage set up in front of the National Assembly on February 5.

His expected presence again this weekend also caused a reaction on Thursday, both in the City of Quebec and in the National Assembly.

SPVQ present

On the other hand, the Quebec City Police Department has indicated that it is “preparing to welcome” the demonstrators expected from Friday to Sunday.

Assuring that the right to demonstrate will be respected, the SPVQ nevertheless recalled “that no act of violence, vandalism or criminal offense will be tolerated” and that the municipal regulations in force would be applied.

The question of the organization of musical performances is in particular still under discussion between the organizers and the police, indicates the SPVQ.

“We are aware of the inconveniences associated with these demonstrations, mainly with regard to noise. As for each demonstration, we will show a certain tolerance, as long as the smooth running of the demonstration is not compromised”, explains André Turcotte, deputy director of the surveillance of the territory of the police force.

For his part, Bernard Gauthier underlined in a video to understand that “it is not to disgust the world that we will attract sympathy”, adding that he has found an alternative “which will suit everyone”.

“It’s true that flutes are always tiring all the time. We understood that. […] The people close to the city center you will be happy, we have found a solution to satisfy you, ”he promised.

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