Healer the osteopath? NO !!!

This survey on the healing power of the osteopath generally leads to this answer: no, chronic low back pain is not cured after osteopathic manipulations. Comment by Guillaume Douet, himself an osteopath:

I agree with this study as it was conducted. Chronic low back pain cannot be cured by osteopathy, any more than with anti-inflammatories.

Chronic low back pain is pain present in the lower back for more than three months. Here in this study, low back pain was not defined. And above all: at no time in this study is it said what triggered it: it could be: osteoarthritis, a disc problem, a pathology… But here it is not defined.

But in the case of osteoarthritis for example, neither osteo, nor anti-inflammatories, nor physio will remove osteoarthritis!

Guillaume Douet continues:

Our role is to restore movement in your body, so that you can adapt.

Because over the years, life experiences, our body changes. And this is where all the manipulative medicines (manual therapies) come in to help us adapt and live while maintaining as much mobility as possible.

I always say to the firm: if you want a magic wand, this is the wrong address.

As always in this column, Guillaume reminds us that osteopathy will help restore movement.

To listen again in its entirety, to remember that no, osteo is not a healer, but yes: he is a companion.

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