Léa Salamé absent from “Elysée 2022”: change in disaster, the reason revealed …

It is a remarkable absence that will take place this Thursday, February 17, 2022 on France 2, for the program Elysee 2022. Journalist and host Léa Salamé will not be able to secure her post for the political show in prime time of the second channel, according to information from Puremedias.com. Thus, the main guest, the presidential candidate Yannick Jadot (Europe Ecology the Greens) will not answer the questions of the pugnacious reporter. She usually hosts the show alongside Laurent Guimier, successor a few months ago to Thomas Sotto, who had withdrawn from the show because of his relationship with Jean Castex’s adviser, Mayada Boulos.

To replace Léa Salamé in disaster, France 2 bet on another size of politics on television: Nathalie Saint-Cricq. Accustomed to questions from political guests, the journalist is alongside Anne-Sophie Lapix during the sequence of the television news on the presidential election, 8:22 p.m..

Positive for Covid-19, Léa Salamé must indeed isolate herself and is forced to leave her place. Also absent from France Inter’s morning show this morning, the journalist was however heard during her 7.50 am interview with rapper and comedian Sofiane Zermani, recorded in advance.“, precise Puremedias.com.

In this new issue ofElysee 2022, the cantor of the environment Yannick Jadot will also face several personalities from the public group such as Julian Bugier, Claire Chazal, Francis Letellier, Samah Soula and the economic journalist Dominique Seux. He will also debate with Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally. The latter was also at the microphone of Léa Salamé this Wednesday. Radio listeners will have noticed during their exchange the hoarse voice and the stuffy nose of the host and companion of Raphaël Glucksmann.

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