end of the indoor mask when there will be less than “1,500” patients in intensive care, announces Olivier Véran

Thursday, just over 3,100 people are in critical care.

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After having mentioned Wednesday February 17 on franceinfo the end of the mask indoors in mid-March, Olivier Véran specifies the conditions under which this measure can be applied. Traveling to the Larchet hospital in Nice, the Minister of Health now mentions the “threshold of 1,500 Covid-19 patients in intensive care” before being able to remove the mask in all or part of closed places, such as businesses or public transport, reports France Bleu Azur.

>> Covid-19 in France: is the end of wearing a mask in closed places, announced for mid-March, premature?

“We could start to seriously ask ourselves the question of wearing a mask indoors, for adults and children”, he already said on franceinfo on Wednesday. The Minister of Health thus explained under what conditions the mask could be removed indoors. “The conditions met means that the hospital is in normal operating condition, that we are no longer obliged to deprogram care, that the health load in intensive care, it does not exceed 1,000-1,500 patients, this what the models tell us today, and that means that the circulation of the virus continues, but that it is very weak in our country, what the models also tell us today”he specified.

This Thursday, just over 3,100 people are in critical care. At the current rate of decline in the number of patients in intensive care units, it would be necessary to reach the end of March to apply this measure.

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