“I want to be President of the Republic”, Nessma, favorite of the jury at the 3rd Eloquence Challenge at Le Mans

They could have taken it easy during the February holidays, but the program was on the contrary very busy. 13 young people aged 14 and 15 and coming from “city policy” districts of Le Mans, Allonnes and Coulaines decided to participate in the 3rd “Eloquence Challenge”. With a high point: a public performance at the Montesquieu high school in Le Mans (Sarthe) and an award ceremony.

Before that, we had to invest. During the first week of the school holidays, thanks in particular to the MJC Ronceray and the association l’Arbre à Plumes, they attended workshops every day. They were accompanied to identify a subject they wanted to address, then documented themselves, wrote a text, and learned to say it in public.

For each young person, the goal is to to gain self-confidence, to learn to put together one’s arguments to make one’s ideas heard, to know how to construct a discourse and succeed in raising one’s voice.

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On D-Day, the stress is still felt but everyone feels they have been well prepared. They develop for a few minutes a theme that is close to their hearts: violence against women, global warming, animal abuse, the rise of extremism and the way young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods look at them.

Nessma, 14, a student at Costa Gavras College, rightly addressed the subject. Here is an excerpt from his speech:

“Why do we think that we are incapable of realizing our dreams? My dream is, later, to become President of the French Republic. Yes, you have understood me well. Many people discourage me, tell me that it is impossible because I am French of Moroccan origin, I live and attend a priority neighborhood college and, in addition, I am a woman.

Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Nessma, and I live in a neighborhood where there is benevolence, kindness, where doors are opened to us and we give ourselves the means to succeed and get by. And the fact that we are all here in front of you today is proof that all of this is true. So now ladies and gentlemen, are you looking at us with a different eye? “

Each student receives a distinction from the jury but they are especially proud to have been able to overcome their fear of going on stage and express themselves. “I stuttered on some words”, says Yamila“but you get used to it quickly! In everyday life it’s useful, because speaking in front of an audience, and especially being judged on what you say, adds something. is also all helped, it reinforces the spirit of solidarity”greets Yamila.

The schoolgirl also believes that by participating in the challenge she has made it possible to prove that “Young people from the so-called political neighborhoods of the city can succeed like everyone else.”

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