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Éric Zemmour and Valérie Pécresse signed the 30 proposals of the Mouvement de la Ruralité on the morning of Tuesday, February 15. The journalist Christopher Gascardduplex of the Embassy of Auvergne, takes stock of the situation.
“Only six candidates responded to the invitation [du Mouvement de la Ruralité]among them Éric Zemmour, or even Valérie Pécresse, and who succeeded each other this morning without crossing paths. Marine Le Pen declined the invitation due to scheduling issues.reports journalist Christophe Gascardduplex from the Embassy of Auvergne, in the 3rd district of Paris.
“The Rurality Movement, formerly known as Hunting, Fishing, Nature and Tradition (CPNT), wishes to weigh in on the presidential debate with around thirty proposals”says the journalist. “During this oral, Éric Zemmour like Valérie Pécresse confirmed their desire to defend the values of rurality, because it is indeed the electorate of the right or the extreme right that is solicited, with in particular the vote of the hunters , a particularly pampered electorate because in 2017, nearly 50% of this electorate had voted [sa] vote for the LR candidate or the far-right candidate”concludes Christophe Gascard.