This Tuesday, February 15, in Do not touch My TV, Cyril Hanouna returned to the clash between Karine Le Marchand and Magali Berdah. The first criticized Youtube videos (focused on interviews with presidential candidates, editor’s note). “She pumped you a bit, didn’t she?”launched Jean-Luc Reichmann in the Big heads on RTL. “I don’t know who she pumped but it wasn’t me anyway”.
Reaction, the director of the company Shauna Events had said at first in his story on instagram : “The high level of Karine Le Marchand!!”before adding: “I won’t talk about everything that is said about you, how hell you make your film crews go through life! How mean you are! Don’t think that because I’m from where I’m from I’m going belittle me, shut up. I am above all a mother of three daughters to whom I teach precisely not to be belittled like that publicly”.
Remarks that she had reiterated in Culture Media at Philippe Vandel on European 1. “The ‘pumped’, she said it in a vulgar way and you know what I’m talking about, it was sexual (…) She is not higher than me. She has nothing more that I, like me, have nothing more than her. And I find that odious, especially coming from a woman”.
But before the release of TPMP, Benjamin Castaldi presented the 6 to 7 in which he was able to slip a few sweet words to Karine Le Marchand and Love is in the meadow. “The show he hates the most in the world”, he said before adding in front of Ludivine Rétory and Jean-Michel Maire: “I don’t know what I hate more…the host or the show.”
The favorite presenter of the French will appreciate!
See also: “F**** other people”, this sexual allusion by Karine Le Marchand which earned her to be destroyed by a columnist from “TPMP”!