Jeremstar knocked down in front of a young mother who gave birth to 7 kilos of babies and who reveals the impressive photo of her belly!

All mothers will confirm it to you, pregnancy is not always a long calm river. And some births even give rise to great surprises. This is surely what Cherral Mitchell must have thought last November after giving birth to a baby boy Thursday weighing 6.7 kilos knowing that on average, a newborn weighs between 2.5 kg and 4 kg. “I’m really glad I had a caesarean, I don’t think I would have endured a vaginal birth.” confided the young mother. It was only at the end of her pregnancy that the future mother and her husband learned that their baby would have an abnormal weight. “My stomach seemed to pop out one night while we were on holiday in Great Yarmouth”said the Briton.

If in France this kind of incident is not very common either, it happens that some pregnancies are also out of the ordinary. This is what the blogger Jeremstar wanted to know, who went to meet these extraordinary mothers in his show Baby Story broadcast on Snapchat. The young man notably spoke with a young mother who gave birth to triplets. She recounts how her doctor broke the news to her: “Well no I think there are three. And there I look and there I count with her and there is no need to leave Saint-Cyr to see that they are triplets.

And his reaction is without appeal: “I break down, I cry. Oh no, but wait, that’s horrible. You have as much chance of having triplets as of winning the lottery. I was just throwing up I was tired. But how we are going to do it is expensive.“, she wonders then. Jeremstar will especially be amazed by the photo unveiled by the future mother who is then one day away from her term. “No, but I’ve never seen a pregnant woman with such a big belly.“, he exclaims. “I had 7 kilos of baby in the belly“, she explains.

Despite a very difficult pregnancy, she assures us of living a real happiness, surrounded by her companion and her three babies. No, but I’ve never seen a pregnant woman with such a big belly. “Your love is multiplied by three but it’s really fantastic. For nothing in the world I will change what happened to me. Even if it’s hard and even if sometimes we’re fed up. It is a fatigue that is full of happiness“, she concludes.

See also: Slimane sends a huge tackle to his ex: “I live my best life, next!”

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