Laurent (12 Coups de midi): The parents of his “scandalized” students, big rant!

Among the candidates of 12 noon shots, Laurent makes a place for himself. Since January 11, 2022, this 46-year-old philosophy professor has already accumulated thirty-three victories and more than 155,000 euros in earnings and gifts. A nice route for those who could well discover the mysterious Star. If the viewers are behind him, the parents of his students at Max-Linder high school in Libourne in Gironde would have preferred to see him in the classroom, especially a few months away from the baccalaureate.

As reported by our colleagues from South Westin more than a month of absence, Laurent has not been replaced, the rectorate “not having succeededto find him a successor the time of his participation in the TF1 game. His students then find themselves with another high school teacher… for a week. Indeed, this precarious solution could not be renewed. The principal of the school then deplores the situation, indicating however that she had had hope when a teacher presented himself as a substitute before finally never coming. “He was supposed to start classes the following Tuesday but he called in sick“, she indicates.

Laurent’s students, who have only had two philosophy lessons since his absence, find themselves without a teacher. Something to annoy parents…”My granddaughter is taking the baccalaureate at the end of the year, she hasn’t had a class for 3 weeks. I am outraged“, scolds one of them. Especially since, for the time being, no solution has really been proposed.

Remember that Laurent has taken unpaid leave to participate in the famous program presented by Jean-Luc Reichmann, temporarily leaving office. Near Entertainment TVhe had mentioned the reactions of his students to his participation in the 12 noon shots. “I’m not on social media at all. I know from colleagues that they are quite happy. I have a good relationship with them, as a rule“, he had declared. And to specify that the mother of one of his pupils thanked him. “Shis daughter was delighted to come to my classes and there, and my participation is her ray of sunshine! It really touched me !“, he added. Not sure that after a month of absence, the parents remain so enthusiastic…

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