Elizabeth II under close surveillance: after Charles, another member of the royal family tested positive…

Four days ago, we learned that Prince Charles has once again contracted Covid-19, after an initial contamination at the start of the pandemic in March 2020. On February 14, 2022, it was his wife Camilla’s turn to receiving a positive test, for the first time. A spokesperson for Clarence House – the official home of the Prince of Wales and his wife – confirmed the news on Monday and clarified that the Duchess of Cornwall has in turn isolated herself to prevent any spread of the virus.

Vaccinated, Prince Charles (73) and his wife (74) received their third dose at the end of last year. However, the evolution of their state of health remains under surveillance. The same is true for Queen Elizabeth, who saw her eldest son and heir two days before the announcement of his contamination. Last Thursday, a source from Buckingham told the British press agency PA that the 95-year-old sovereign (also vaccinated) had so far shown no symptoms. On the other hand, the palace did not wish to specify if Elizabeth II had indeed been tested negative…

As AFP reminds us on Monday, Buckingham has already been criticized for its lack of transparency. Last fall, the palace waited for information to leak to the press to confirm that the queen had spent a night in hospital in London for “preliminary” examinations, the nature of which has never been revealed. since been clarified. But after several canceled official meetings, including a trip to COP26 on the climate, and several weeks of rest, strewn with a few rare public commitments, the queen passed the milestone of 70 years of reign last Sunday, an unprecedented longevity. for the British monarchy.

After a few initial celebrations at the beginning of February, a big festive weekend is planned from June 2 to 5, with a military parade, a big concert and thousands of popular lunches. Will we be entitled to a reunion of the full royal family, with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle? Nothing is less sure.

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