Meeting of Valérie Pécresse, campaign of Anne Hidalgo, Eric Zemmour “fascist” … The 8:30 franceinfo of Olivier Faure

Olivier Faure, First Secretary of the Socialist Party, was the guest of 8:30 a.m. franceinfo, Monday February 14. He answered questions from Sahlia Brakhlia and Marc Fauvelle.

“Amazed” in the words of Valérie Pécresse

Olivier Faure shared his “stunned to see a candidate who calls herself a Republican take up the words of the far right, her concepts”, the day after Valérie Pécresse’s meeting. Faced with her supporters, the one who wears the colors of the Les Républicains (LR) party in the presidential election notably mentioned the “great replacement”, conspiracy theory relayed by Éric Zemmour, candidate of Reconquête! (far right).

Olivier Faure“worried for the right, to see it take up a register which is not its own, which is a register which is that of the far right and which comes to legitimize concepts which are those of the far right”. For him, “it’s still crazy” to see Valérie Pécresse say: “There is no fatality to this great replacement.” “Not only is there no fatality, but there is no great replacement”he hammered.

The expression of Yannick Jadot “not very happy”

“I understand what he meant, the expression is not very happy“, estimated the first secretary of the PS in reaction to remarks made the day before by Yannick Jadot. “Zemmour, basically, tries to reconcile a part of France with French Algeria, with Pétain, with anti-Semitism, except that he has a difference with Le Pen, and perhaps this is the biggest difference perversely, it is that Zemmour is Jewish, that is to say that in fact; he acts as a service Jew for the anti-Semites”said the environmental candidate for the presidential election on Radio J.

Eric Zemmour “is the one who comes to rehabilitate the old rancid thought of the extreme right, and his religion does not change anything”. “The fact that he is of Jewish origin, that he is even Jewish, does not change the fact that he is first and foremost a Pétainist, a Vichyst, a Fascist to put it very simply”he insisted.

Presidential: Olivier Faure “do not disconnect anyone”

“I am not an electrician, I do not disconnect anyone“, launched Olivier Faure when he was asked about his attitude towards the socialist candidate, Anne Hidalgo. “She was chosen by a militant vote of 73%, she is now our candidate and we support her”he assured. “We are in a fight which is a fight that I know is difficult, I am lucid”he admitted, while the mayor of Paris is struggling in the polls.

Anne Hidalgo’s difficulties have not escaped François Hollande’s former prime minister Bernard Cazeneuve either. On franceinfo, on January 19, he attributed them in particular to the fact that the “Socialists did not prepare as they should have done” in the presidential election. At the head of the PS since 2018, Olivier Faure assured that he would not take it “not at all” for him.

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