cyberharassed, Miss France 2022 pulls out her claws and it’s violent!

Elected by the French last December, Diane Leyre has every intention of making an impression. For her year of reign, Miss France 2022 has also taken the radical decision to engage in the fight against cyberbullying. Affected by this scourge since her election, the young woman intends to put an end to the insults she receives every day. Far from wanting to remain silent, the pretty brunette has chosen to act. Audacious, it very often reframes malicious Internet users.

“I watch everything. You’re ugly, you suck, it forces me to take a step back”, recently explained the little protege of Sylvie Tellier in the columns of Paris Match. Victim of harassment online, Diane Leyre does not remain impassive. Quite the contrary. Full of grace, the Miss attacks: “Good evening, you have commented on this photo 3 times with more than negative comments, whether it be about me (but that’s okay, you have the right to have your opinion) and now about ‘a subscriber. That you don’t like me is one thing, but don’t come and criticize people who didn’t ask for anything. Peace & Love »replied, not long ago, the young woman to one of her haters.

“As a public figure, I face criticism. I cannot be unanimous. I accept everyone’s words even if sometimes, I remain human, they can hurt. On the other hand, I would not accept to read this kind of comments towards subscribers who did nothing to you. You don’t know how people might react on the other side of the screen, you don’t know their story. You may be able to attack someone who is in a critical period”. In any case, one thing is certain, it is that Diane Leyne is not the type to let things go!

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