the FCPE calls for “a repair phase” for “our children who are doing badly”

“Less tests are good”, recognizes on franceinfo Nageate Belahcen, co-president of the Federation of parent-teacher councils (FCPE).

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With the relaxation of the health protocol in schools announced by the Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, students will have “fewer tests, it’s good because it was becoming untenable”, reacts Friday, February 11 on franceinfo Nageate Belahcen, co-president of the Federation of parent-teacher councils (FCPE). She is now calling on the ministry to “move to the repair phase and start working seriously on the subject because we know our children are in bad shape.”

>> Fewer tests, end of wearing a mask outdoors… What to remember from the reduction of the health protocol in schools

The end of the mandatory outdoor mask in elementary schools will “to relieve” students, greets Nageate Belahcen. “We had asked for consistency with the protocols put in place in the rest of the company so it’s a good thing”, indicates the co-president of the FCPE. It also welcomes the end of the sworn attestation of the carrying out of screenings, “It’s a matter of trust in parents”she says.

The question of pedagogical continuity is however “the black point of this new protocol”regrets Nageate Belahcen. “We weren’t ready to face the variant, we had a lot of closed classes, the material and human resources were not there”explains the representative of the federation.

“At this level, we are still waiting for strong measures because we are not immune to a new variant reappearing.”

Nageate Belahcen, co-president of the Federation of Parents’ Councils (FCPE)

at franceinfo

The FCPE calls on the Ministry of Education to also work on “psychological support” students. The parents of pupils wish in particular “a large number of school nurses and school psychologists in establishments and measures for the school monitoring of pupils.”

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