“It’s a little more worrying, he was hot”, Dave in bad shape since his terrible fall, Marc-Olivier Fogiel gives not very reassuring news

Dave recently learned that every day could be his last. Without being pessimistic or too negative, on January 27, the latter had a good scare. At home, he fell violently. It was his press officer who announced the news by Le Parisien “Nothing was broken, but he was hospitalized in the evening in an establishment in the Paris region”.

However, the more the days pass, the more the news is ultimately not so reassuring. On January 31, Daniel Auteuil, very close to the singer, did not really reassure the fans during his appearance on France Bleu: “He’s fine. Well… He’s been struggling a lot, but he’s going to get better and better. And I’m very happy about that. He hit his head a lot, but he’s going to be fine”. To deal with certain rumours, Dave himself had then spoken in Télé Loisirs: “When you have little sores at 77, it’s not the same thing as at 17! So it’s a little more worrying but it’s not the end of a life that is coming! I was operated on the day before yesterday, it is an important operation which was successful. But, at the level of the head, you have to allow time for it to resolve on its own”.

Since then it is the most complete concern. So, this Tuesday, February 8, 2022 Marc-Olivier Fogiel sent a worrying message, but reassuring at the same time, in C à Vous, “He’s fine… He had a heavy fall. He had four very complicated days but today he is fine. But he was hot.

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