An immense joy for Roger Frappier

Quebec producer Roger Frappier was floating on a cloud Tuesday morning when The newspaper joined him in Los Angeles. After triumphing at the Venice Film Festival and the Golden Globes, the film The power of the dogwhich he co-produced, became the big favorite at the Oscars with no less than 12 nominations.

• Read also: Ten nominations for the film Dune

• Read also: 10 Oscar nominations for Dune, by Denis Villeneuve

“It’s super exciting,” said the veteran producer, who said he felt immense joy following the announcement of the nominations early Tuesday morning.

“These appointments are the result of several years of work. jane [Campion, la réalisatrice] did a great adaptation of Thomas Savage’s book. She put film into this story and I think that’s what the people at the Academy liked. When I read this book, ten years ago, and decided to acquire the adaptation rights, I said to myself that the actors would absolutely want to play these roles in the cinema. And there, today, the four actors of the film were nominated for awards. It makes me very happy. »

In addition to being nominated for the Oscars for best picture and best direction, The power of the dog (The Power of the Dog) is in the running for Best Original Screenplay, Best Actor (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Best Supporting Actress (Kirsten Dunst).

Quebec pride

At 76, Roger Frappier, himself a member of the Academy of Oscars since 1992, intends to fully savor this nomination. He also says he is very happy to be able to share this Oscar race with Denis Villeneuve, whose first Quebec films he produced in the late 1990s.

“Denis and I have a lot of respect for each other,” underlines Roger Frappier. Obviously, I’m very happy for the ten nominations for his film, but I’m also disappointed that he wasn’t nominated in the category of best director. He is the one who managed to bring Dunes exceptionally on screen. It’s incomprehensible that he wasn’t nominated for the award for best direction. But I am very happy to experience this race for the Oscars with him. I think this is the first time that two Quebecers have been nominated for the Best Picture Oscar in the same year. Between us, we are linked to 22 nominations. It shows the high quality of Quebec cinema. »

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