the movement could arrive in France



France 2

Article written by

L.Nahon, B.Briffaut, A.Zouioueche, F.Dumont – France 2

France Televisions

After Canada, the anti-vaccine movement is trying to mobilize in France. Several groups of people are calling to organize a convoy of vehicles to block Paris from Friday, February 11. A Facebook group on the subject would gather nearly 270,000 subscribers. The government has already promised a firm response.

For 11 days in Canada, the thousands of trucks of the anti-vaccine “freedom convoy” have paralyzed cities like Ottawa and Toronto. A mobilization that seems to be spreading: in the Netherlands, Hungary or even New Zealand, the first blockages are being organized. France could also be affected by this mobilization. On Facebook, a page called “The Freedom Convoy” already has nearly 270,000 members.

Different convoys could converge from all over France, with a rallying point in Paris on Friday February 11, and then head for Brussels. Carriers are closely monitoring the development of this movement. This Tuesday, February 8, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin assured to put “means of intelligence and action”but the government claims to ignore the extent that this mobilization could take in France.

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