the Social Union for Housing will file a complaint against Eric Zemmour

The far-right candidate said Monday on France Inter that “HLMs are lands of Islamization of the country”. The Social Union for Housing denounces remarks “particularly stigmatizing and misleading”.

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The Social Union for Habitat (USH) denounces, Tuesday, February 8 on Twitter, “unworthy remarks” after Eric Zemmour’s statements on France Inter on Monday. The far-right candidate said that HLMs were “land of Islamization of our country”. The USH announces its intention to file a complaint.

“Mr. Zemmour is once again exploiting, and once too many, social housing and the people who live there to fuel his theses”regrets in a press release relayed on Twitter the HLM movement, which welcomes 11 million tenants.

In his anti-immigration program, Éric Zemmour wishes “reserve HLM for the French” and plans to scrap the SRU Act. Since 2000, it has imposed a social housing quota on towns with more than 50,000 inhabitants.

“Everyone knows today (…) that the HLM are lands of Islamization of the countrysaid the Reconquest candidate!. Everyone knows today, especially the poor people and the good people who stayed, who could not escape these HLMs which had become dens for kebabs and veiled women, not to mention drug trafficking.

The Social Union for Housing, chaired by former Minister Emmanuelle Cosse, responds to him and recalls that “For 150 years, HLM organizations have welcomed French or foreign populations into social housing, without discrimination, helping to make France, by accommodating France as it is, a land of welcome and integration. “ The USH denounces remarks “particularly stigmatizing and misleading towards HLM organizations and their occupants” and that “are only intended to heighten societal tensions against them.”

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