on the 7th day, the bride and groom and the wedding guests testify

This Tuesday, for the seventh day of the hearing, the wedding guests are called to the bar. The one during which, on the night of August 26 to 27, 2017, Nordahl Lelandais admitted having kidnapped and then killed little Maëlys De Araujo, eight and a half years old at the time.

It is for these crimes (as well as those of sexual assault on minors and possession of child pornography) that Nordahl Lelandais has been on trial since January 31, before the Assize Court of Isère, in Grenoble.

The day before, Monday, Jennifer, Joachim and Colleen De Araujo came to testify to their love for the little girl, their anger and their weariness against the accused and his persistent silence, his avoidance, his refusal to say what the facts were. , exactly.

Like every day, the hearing opens at 9 a.m. and France Bleu invites you to follow the debates here.

The main dates of the Maëlys affair

The main dates of the Maëlys affair © Visactu

Our essential articles on the Lelandais affair

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