Leaving the White House, Donald Trump took letters from Kim Jong-un instead of sending them to the National Archives

Donald Trump, the first US president in office to meet a member of the Kim dynasty, had an epistolary relationship with the North Korean leader.

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At the end of their mandate, all the presidents of the United States send all their emails, letters and other working documents to the American National Archives, which is responsible for keeping them. All, or almost. True to his reputation as a head of state who does nothing like everyone else, Donald Trump took with him, when leaving the White House, several boxes containing in particular mail to his residence in Mar-a-Lago, Florida , reported Monday, February 7, the Washington Post.

These included, among other things, gifts from foreign leaders, a letter left by his predecessor, Barack Obama, but also several letters written by Kim Jong-un. As many objects as the National Archives had to recover in Florida, according to the daily.

Donald Trump, the first US president in office to meet a member of the Kim dynasty, had a well-known epistolary relationship with the North Korean leader. “He wrote me beautiful letters, they are beautiful letters. We fell in love”the American president told his supporters in September 2018.

Donald Trump’s entourage and the National Archives did not respond to AFP’s requests. Last week, however, the institution had already revealed that the former president had a habit of tearing up some of his working documents, another practice contrary to the rules. “Among the presidential documents received by the National Archives were paper documents that had been torn up by former President Trump”they explained to AFP.

Some sheets of paper had been “glued with tape” through “White House records management officials”, they had further clarified. Others were left as is.

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