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Emmanuel Macron is in Russia on Monday February 7 to meet Vladimir Putin, his first stop before going to Ukraine the next day. The French head of state hopes to trigger de-escalation between the two countries. Live from Moscow, journalist Anne Stock market explains the stakes of this meeting.
“It is a diplomatic and political visit“, explains the journalist Anne Bourse, live from Moscow (Russia). The challenge for the French president is to “calm the tension between Russia and Ukraine, (…) he hopes to leave Moscow with a tangible sign from Vladimir Putin“, she continues. “But the Kremlin just announced the color saying there is no breakthrough to be expected“, she says. For Putin, “it is above all a question of rediscussing the military alliances in Europe“.
The face-to-face is announced “tense” according to the journalist. Emmanuel Macron “takes a risk, he knows he won’t settle the crisis in one meeting“, assures Anne Bourse. “If he gets a Russian signal on a de-escalation, he will score points two months before the presidential election.otherwise, “he will leave a feeling of failure which will complicate his entry into the campaign“, concludes Anne Bourse.