Ste Marguerite Island and its different eras.

The Guides de France bring together professional guides who are all holders of the tour guide card issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
They offer city and village visits to more than 1,000 remarkable sites in our country. In the South and Occitanie region, they make you discover more than 80 places, between Nice and Montpellier, via Cannes, Marseille, Aix en Provence and Avignon. Book your visits and excursions.

Book a guided tour in Nice, Marseille, Aix en Provence, Avignon.

Today, the Guides de France take you to Cannes, and more precisely to Sainte Marguerite Island. They will tell you about its history and introduce you to its built heritage. This one was designed by Richelieu, then executed by Vauban.
Next to the royal fort built by the minister of Louis XIV, a prison was opened in 1685. It has known various prisoners, such as the Huguenots, the iron mask or the Muslims of Algeria who opposed French colonization in 1843 during the Battle of the Smala.
The prison closed in 1914.

Book your guided tour of Sainte Marguerite Island, in Cannes.

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