how the Reconquête and RN activists judge the candidates opposite

Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen are neck and neck, with 14% of voting intentions in the first round of the 2022 presidential election, in our poll. Saturday February 5, one, Eric Zemmour was hunting on the electoral lands of the another, Marine Le Pen, in the North, in Lille, while the RN candidate held a meeting in Reims to launch the home stretch of her campaign in this confrontation by interposed meetings.

>> Presidential: Éric Zemmour goes up, Marine Le Pen down, Emmanuel Macron stable in the lead, according to our survey

In Reims, the activists of the National Rally are torn between concern and mistrust vis-à-vis the competitor of their champion. A Zemmour dynamic? Artificial, they say. Among RN activists, Jean-Louis does not want to believe the polls. “They give figures and we only talk about Zemmour. Currently, I believe that Marine Le Pen is in a much better position.” Activists like him are in fact few in number. Many, on the other hand, saw departures for the opposite camp in their respective regions. Corinne gets annoyed. “He has an ego like that, disproportionate. The ankles no longer hold the shoes. Zemmour is the weak link. The problem is that there are plenty of people who imagine that it is the strong link.”

One thing is certain, Eric Zemmour is far from unanimous among supporters of Marine Le Pen, who do not even hesitate to demonize him. “Return to slavery at the level of women, no thank you. Zemmour, it’s the Nazis, it’s the fascists.” Others, like Nadine, want to be more consensual to prepare the sequel. “Marine Le Pen, President, and Mr. Eric Zemmour, Prime Minister, would be the icing on the cake for France.”

All, in Reims, have an optimistic certainty: yes, Eric Zemmour seduces, but in the end, it is Marine Le Pen who will win.

The story is different in Lille, where Eric Zemmour gave a few hours before Marine Le Pen his own meeting. He chose to talk about purchasing power to convince a little more a public already won over to his cause. Lowering taxes and increasing wages by saving on aid paid to foreigners, this is what Marie-Christine retains from Eric Zemmour’s speech. “I don’t find it normal that we who work, who pay taxes, are forced to support people who have nothing to do with us. So, if Eric can redistribute the money to the French, that satisfies me. fully.” Enzo is a student. He holds back another promise. “When he was talking about middle-class families who don’t receive scholarships, I’m concerned. It’s not easy every day, I haven’t been entitled to any state aid. And for that, in fact, to see that I was mentioned, he touched on a place that concerned me enormously.” So here he is reinforced in his choice of vote.

Laurence, nurse, voted so far Marine Le Pen. “All those I met who voted for Le Pen turned to Mr. Zemmour in relation to this form of demonization that is given to Mrs. Le Pen. There, we no longer feel that she is combative. She has turned away from all these immigration issues.”

Because immigration remains the first subject of which the Reconquest activists speak. “Stop the big replacement to stop the big downgrade” : a campaign axis which could prove to be profitable for Eric Zemmour, want to believe his supporters.

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