The far-right candidate, neck and neck with Eric Zemmour in the voting intentions, did not mention the name of her rival during her first meeting.
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“I learned a lot”. On the occasion of the first meeting of the third presidential campaign of her political career, Marine Le Pen worked to convince her audience that she was “ready” for “the supreme function” of the Republic, Saturday February 5 in Reims (Marne). At the end of a speech during which she swept away the main measures of her program and targeted Emmanuel Macron, the far-right candidate advanced to the edge of the stage to take “a few minutes to talk [d’elle]”.
“I deeply believe that the temperament, the course, the personality of the one that the French will choose are decisive” for the presidential election, the candidate of the National Rally justified herself by recounting her childhood and her career in front of a large fluorescent blue “M”.
The far-right candidate thus spoke of the 1976 attack, when she was 8 years old, which affected the family apartment at Villa Poirier, in the 15th arrondissement, where she is “brutal entry into the world of adults”, as well as the “ultra-mediatized divorce” of his parents. “I learned a lot, I groped, I sometimes failed, I fell” corn “I always got up”, she argued, saying to herself “ready” to the “supreme function”, without fear “neither betrayals, nor ambushes, nor manoeuvres”.
“No one should be fooled: Emmanuel Macron’s progressivism does not mean progress but deconstruction, not progress but regression”, had earlier thundered Marine Le Pen at the podium, denouncing a president “not only contemptuous”, but also “depressing” according to her. Like Eric Zemmour, with whom she is neck and neck in voting intentions, the National Rally candidate also denounced illegal immigration and“Islamism”, guilty of taking away “our most essential values”.