Poland arms Ukraine, Boris Johnson in the hot seat in the UK



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Like every evening, 11 p.m. takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Friday 4 February.

Poland sees the first American soldiers arrive. Logistics groups having landed in the south of the country will prepare the installations for rapid reaction forces under NATO command. The risk of an invasion of Ukraine by Russia pushes the Poles to protect themselves by all means. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced that he would “send defensive weapons” to Ukraine. In the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson is increasingly weakened. A series of five resignations, including that of his chief of staff, followed the revelations of evenings at 10 Downing Street, in full confinement. Caught in turmoil, Boris Johnson has unfairly accused an MP of covering up a paedophile.

Whaling will be abandoned by Iceland from 2024. After the resumption of commercial whaling by Japan three years ago, outlets have been reduced for the island. Iceland now prefers to take the opportunity to organize tourist outings.


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