Marie-Claude Pietragalla’s daughter is throwing an enormous dossier on “Dance with the stars”!

For eleven seasons, “Dance with the stars” has gathered millions of viewers in front of their posts. Dozens of personalities, French and international, marched on the floor of the show with one idea in mind: to convince the jury and win!

If the jury is now composed of Jean-Paul Gaultier, François Alu, Denitsa Ikonomova and Chris Marques, this has not always been the case. From season 3 to 7, the principal dancer and choreographer Marie-Claude Pietragalla had the difficult task of noting the candidates for “Dance with the stars”. An experience that ended in 2016 “for professional reasons”, as she had indicated in a press release. “I have decided to devote myself fully to the multiple projects of my company, the Théâtre du Corps Pietragalla – Derouault, for the coming seasons”, also indicated Marie-Claude Pietragalla. Visibly bitter, Marie-Claude Pietragalla had also declared to “Here”: “Me, for five years, I tried to give them a little depth, to explain to them that it is not only a question of reproducing a movement nicely, but you have to know why you’re doing it. But it’s all a television game in which everything is theatrical. “

But while Marie-Claude Pietragalla and “Dance with the stars”, it’s old history, the daughter of the former coach spoke on her Tik Tok account! Lola Derouault has unveiled a huge dossier on the famous dance competition. In a video, she claims that “jury scores are decided in advance.” A revelation that created the debate in “TPMP Open to All” this Friday, October 29, 2021. Benjamin Castaldi and his band of columnists returned to the shock statement of the daughter of Marie-Claude Pietragalla.

For Emilie Lopez, that is not credible. “I’ll give you a concrete example, two weeks ago, Aurélie Pons broke her face while dancing”, she said, specifying that if the jury’s scores were decided in advance, it would not would not have been consistent. Emilie Lopez also contacted Chris Marques for his opinion on the revelation of Lola Derouault. The latter assured that he “absolutely did not understand” the declaration of the daughter of Marie-Claude Pietragalla.


To see also: Tayc, very close to Fauve Hautot in Dancing with the stars: “She does not hesitate to tell me to get closer, to touch her”

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