La Meute orchestrates its return this weekend in Quebec City

(Québec) After years of dormancy, La Meute is orchestrating a comeback. The identity group that many believed to be moribund has taken positions against health measures and invites its members to demonstrate in Quebec this weekend.

Posted at 10:59

Gabriel Beland

Gabriel Beland
The Press

An expert believes that the group could take advantage of the growing discontent over health measures to “resurrect” and recruit new members, after having imploded in 2019 in internal dissension.

“We passed the message to our 17 regional clans. Groups organize themselves for transportation. We can be between 100 and 150,” said in an interview with The Press La Meute spokesperson Sylvain Brouillette.

“We have taken an official position against health measures, against the health passport, but not against the vaccine, says the one who calls himself “Maikan”. We encourage our members to go and support the truckers on weekends. »

La Meute, described as a far-right group by several observers, was born in 2015 in reaction to “radical Islam”. It quickly became the main identity-right group, with 40,000 members on Facebook, and a few thousand active members at its peak. However, internal conflicts caused it to burst in 2019.

“We are a little bit in a sleepy state because of the pandemic. Historically, we campaigned against radical Islam. It was said to be a danger to democracy and our fundamental rights. Islamist countries are not living conditions that we want here. But now, the government here is doing worse than that. Priorities have changed,” says Sylvain Brouillette.

“We agree that we must take precautions to protect the population, but at some point, when we deprive people of their work, it is no longer a choice. It is a hidden obligation and we are against that, just as we are against the vaccine passport, ”says Mr. Brouillette.

A show of strength

The presence of La Meute this weekend in Quebec is a significant development in the universe of identity groups, believes the director of the Center of Expertise and Training on Religious Fundamentalism, Political Ideologies and Radicalization (CEFIR).

“It would be the first demonstration of La Meute since 2019, the year when the group lost nearly 75% of its members with the departure of one of its leaders”, recalls Martin Geoffroy.

“I am not surprised at their position on health measures. But I am surprised that La Meute still has a capacity to mobilize after having imploded,” he adds.

The expert expresses doubts about the claims of Mr. Brouillette, who says he can attract between 100 and 150 people. “You have to watch out for the verbal swelling. They may be 20 in the end. »

But if La Meute manages to mobilize a hundred members, it will be a success for it, he believes.

“If La Meute is resuscitating, that means that they are taking advantage of the rise of the far right, which is feeding off opposition to health measures”, believes Mr. Geoffroy.

“All far-right movements active before the pandemic are now against health measures. They set aside Islam, so-called illegal immigration and the Roxham Road, he says. In times of crisis, it’s easy to recruit from a pool of disgusted people. »

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