MEP reveals details of EU disease plan

Several measures are recommended by this European plan, the financing of which amounts to 4 billion euros.

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MEP Véronique Trillet-Lenoir unveils exclusively on Friday February 4 on franceinfo the European Plan to fight against cancer that she will present on February 15 in plenary session of the European Parliament.

This plan was supported by a majority at the beginning of December by the special commission for the fight against cancer, with funding of up to 4 billion euros via the EU4Health program, as well as various European funding.

This plan aims for European states to work together to prevent 40% of avoidable cancers through legislative measures to reduce risky behavior, in particular with the objective of a “Tobacco-free Generation 2040”.

The screening and early detection of cancers should be optimized by a platform for exchanges and collaboration between the various national structures responsible for it. The plan aims for 90% of European citizens concerned by breast, colon and cervical cancer screenings to be contacted to do so.

At least one reference center for the management of cancers, in particular the rarest, must be identified in each Member State, the plan recommends. The development of quality criteria expected from establishments and professionals in oncology must also promote equitable access to care.

This European plan also provides for more standardized support for patients and their caregivers during and after the illness, in particular for reintegration assistance and the deployment of the “right to be forgotten”, to avoid penalizing recovered patients on their insurance procedures.

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