this famous Miss… leaves France for the kingdom of reality TV stars!

She will have Caroline Receveur, Jessica Thivenin, Sarah Lopez, Nabilla and Maeva Ghennam for neighbors. “She decided to move to Dubai for the weather and other tax benefits, surely”reveals a source close to the sublime Iris Mittenaere.

The one who was Miss France then Miss Universe would indeed have decided to put down her suitcases for a little while in the pearl of the United Arab Emirates. “She will not be alone there since her companion Diego, who is also her agent, accompanies her on this crazy adventure”continues our informant.

Asked about her new life in Dubai, Caroline Receveur, also an influencer, revealed last year that she did not want to leave: “I hope all my life. I have found a balance that I had nowhere else, as much on a personal, professional or friendly level. I like everything here and I do not see myself leaving Dubai at all”, explained the young and pretty mother. The latter is so happy there that she would consider having a second child.

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See also: Delphine Wespiser cropped live in “TPMP” by Cyril Hanouna: “It’s not Club Med here!”


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