The price of fuel is suffocating fishermen

In a letter, the National Fisheries Committee alerted the Minister of the Sea to “a rise in fuel prices which have now reached levels equivalent to those of the 2007 crisis, around 65 centimes on average per litre”.

After falling to 35 cents in 2020 due to the health crisis, the price of fishing diesel, parallel to that of crude, very quickly started to rise again, now forcing sailors to reduce their wages to hardly cover their costs.

65 cents on the continent against 85 cents in Corsica

But Gérard Romiti also denounces the price differences between the different coastal regions of France, including the overseas departments.

In his letter, the chairman of the committee therefore asks Minister Annick Girardin to explain these price differences, and calls for medium-term measures to limit the sector’s sensitivity to variations in fuel prices. According to him, taxation would be one of the levers to be used to prevent fishing bosses from sinking as soon as the season opens, in March.

A new meeting is scheduled for Friday February 4 between the representatives of the fishermen and the office of the minister for the sea who does not hide his skepticism as to the euro-compatibility of these claims.

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