Roxana Maracineanu in Saint-Etienne on Saturday

The Geoffroy-Guichard stadium will finally be able to reopen all of its stands on Saturday. The gauge system with a maximum of 5,000 spectators is stopped. The last time the Cauldron played at full capacity was on December 22 against FC Nantes.

Roxana Maracineanu must exchange with the leaders of ASSE precisely on the stopping of these gauges in the stadiums. But the presence of the Minister Delegate for Sport will undoubtedly not leave the Saint-Etienne supporters indifferent.

Those who like to send messages about support, smoke bombs, travel bans, one can imagine that the banners will flourish on Saturday, pyrotechnics perhaps too, with all the risks of sanctions that entails.

But with the desire, among some, to try to prove that Saint-Etienne still has the best public in France, whatever the results of his team.

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