Discover the ranking of the twelve astrological signs from the most fearful to the most courageous!

While October 31st will surely delight fans of horror films … Some astrological signs may appreciate much more than others this night dedicated to the feeling of fear … Public has therefore classified the signs for you. astrological from the most fearful to the most courageous!

Virgo: Very down to earth, this sign known to be psychorigid hates losing control! Thus, this native does not support the feeling that gives the fear simply because he cannot control it …

The Pisces: Very sensitive, the feelings of the Pisces are very often exacerbated … Thus, the Pisces tend to be very afraid when they find themselves in a situation that they are struggling to control!

Cancer: Water sign par excellence, Cancer is also considered one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac! This native hates being scared, but nevertheless knows how to keep face and stay strong in case of the unexpected!

Gemini: The sign of Gemini tends to be pessimistic when facing a situation that scares them! This native thinks directly worse … Fortunately, this very resourceful Air sign knows how to fall back on its feet!

Libra: Contrary to what one might think of this sign which sometimes struggles to assume and put itself forward, in situations of intense stress, this native manages to get out of it! If he doesn’t really like to be scared, one thing is certain, the Libra never lets himself be overcome by panic and knows how to bounce back!

Taurus: The zodiac epicurean doesn’t really like being faced with a stressful situation! Thus, it is rare that this native finds himself in a situation where he is likely to feel fear … This native tends to put everything into perspective and not to stress for nothing!

Capricorn: Capricorn is someone who knows how to take advantage of every situation! Thus, this native generally never lets himself be overcome by fear! Instead, the latter prefers to think logically and pragmatically! A phlegm that tends to be admired by those around him who trust him with their eyes closed in the event of a big problem!

Aquarius: The most independent sign of the zodiac knows how to be courageous when necessary! Indeed, this native has enough head on his shoulders to overcome any situation!

Scorpio: Ruled by Pluto, planet of destruction, and Mars, which symbolizes war, Scorpio knows perfectly well how to behave when faced with a complex situation! Very courageous, this astrological sign does not hesitate to put itself in danger!

Sagittarius: Fan of strong sensations, Sagittarius literally seeks to scare themselves! Parachute jumping, racing car, climbing … This native loves adrenaline … A little too much!

Leo: Fire sign par excellence, Leo tends to go straight ahead with his head down … No matter if the situation is frightening or not, for this sign, the question does not even arise: he rushes straight into the heap!

Aries: The sign of Aries is undoubtedly the bravest of all the astrological signs! It’s simple, this native never seems scared as he always shows cold blood and bravery! A true force of nature …


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