Whoopi Goldberg: Her remarks on the Holocaust are controversial, the actress suspended from The View

It is often said that words fly away. It’s not always the case. Those of Whoopi Goldberg, in any case, will not remain without consequence. Show co-host The Viewbroadcast on the ABC channel, the actress commented on the decision of a school located in Tennessee which banned comics Mausby Art Spiegelman, of his establishment. The book recounts the memories of a father who survived the Holocaust and his withdrawal comes within the framework of a questioning of American teaching, in particular towards stories dealing with racism or the identity of kind.

The Holocaust is not about race

Let’s be honest, the Holocaust isn’t about race, that’s not itexplained Whoopi Goldberg. It’s about man’s inhumanity to man, that’s what it’s about. They are two groups of white people. It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white, Jewish …everyone eats each other.“These statements were not, historically, very correct. Racism was at the heart of the ideology advocated by Nazism and “Jews were not not defined by religion, but by race“- recalls the American Holocaust Museum on social networks following this controversy.

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