the state of health emergency has been declared in New Caledonia, announces Gabriel Attal

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12:54 p.m. : It is not today that the health protocol at school will be lightened. During the report of the Council of Ministers, Gabriel Attal, spokesperson for the government, said that a consultation will be organized at the beginning of next week with the teachers’ unions and the parents’ associations. So we still have to wait for the announcements on this subject. Wearing a mask in the playground and the protocol in the event of a positive case in a class are in particular points to be decided.

12:39 : The state of health emergency is declared in New Caledoniawhere the incidence rate is at a record high, said Gabriel Attal, the government spokesperson.

12:07 : It is noon and a few minutes, here is a new reminder of the main titles:

• Constraints are eased. France is now lifting certain restrictions: wearing a mask is no longer compulsory outdoors, the gauges in places receiving the seated public (stadiums, cultural establishments, etc.) are abandoned and teleworking is no longer imposed. A health defense council is taking place today. Follow the situation in our live.

• Due to the passage of cyclone Batsirai, the prefect of La Réunion plans a red vigilance “I confine myself” at 7 p.m. (local time, i.e. 4 p.m. in Paris)

Housing was a “poor relation of the quinquennium”, judges the Abbé-Pierre Foundation. In its 27th annual report on the state of poor housing in France, the association reveals a bitter assessment of Emmanuel Macron’s mandate. Our journalist Yann Thompson has highlighted, in this article, the main lessons of this study.

• The personality interrogation of Nordahl Lelandais should take place this afternoon. The hearing is due to resume at 2 p.m. You can follow her live.

11:01 a.m. : Hello . As we explain in this article, you don’t have to do anything special. The vaccination certificate and its QR code remain perfectly valid as part of the entry into force of the vaccination pass.

10:59 : Hello FI, I have full vaccination since 10/27/21 and my Covid 3/3 vaccination certificate How and when will this certificate turn into a vaccination pass?

10:40 a.m. : Arnaud Fontanet, also a member of the Scientific Council, is also heard by the Senate’s Social Affairs Commission. He draws attention to the impact of the BA-2 subvariant.

10:38 : With the wave related to the Omicron variant, “we can, I think, be optimistic about the future of the epidemic”said epidemiologist Simon Cauchemez, member of the Scientific Council, during a hearing in the Senate.

09:57 : Some companies are completely unaware of the crisis. Google made $76 billion in annual net profit in 2021, nearly double that of 2020. How to explain it? The world leader in online advertising faltered slightly at the start of the pandemic when some advertisers, such as tour operators, put their campaigns and promotions on hold. But the series of confinements and the digital habits adopted for almost two years have finally largely benefited Google as well as other technology companies.

09:15 : A health defense council is being held this morning. If measures are lifted today, there remains a key place: the school. The question of a reduction in the school health protocol will thus be asked, learns franceinfo from the entourage of Emmanuel Macron, slippery that he remains “a few points to decide”. Here are the two tracks studied by the executive.


09:12 : It’s 9 o’clock, here is a new reminder of the main titles:

• Constraints are eased. France is today lifting some restrictions following a two-step schedule. Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory outdoors, the gauges in places receiving the seated public (stadiums, cultural establishments, etc.) are abandoned and teleworking is no longer imposed.

• Judgment is harsh. For the Abbé-Pierre Foundation, housing was a “poor relation of the quinquennium”. In its 27th annual report on the state of poor housing in France, the association reveals a bitter assessment of Emmanuel Macron’s mandate. Our journalist Yann Thompson has highlighted, in this article, the main lessons of this study.

• Who inspects nursing homes? Are these checks frequent? The question is central after the revelations of the book-investigation The Gravediggers. Franceinfo answers six questions to better understand this case.

• The Beijing Games officially open on Friday. The serious things started this morning, with the start of the Olympic torch relay, which must cross the most emblematic sites of the Chinese capital, including the Great Wall. Some events have even already begun.

08:55 : “I will not do a third dose”declares on BFMTV Nadine Morano, political adviser to Valérie Pécresse, LR presidential candidate. “Having a dose every four months, you have to change your vocabulary, it’s not a vaccine”declares the MEP, who claims to be “vaccine friendly”.

08:13 : Gad Elmaleh is the guest of franceinfo to discuss the end of gauges in cultural places. His new show, Moreoverresumes after several postponements. “Today, we play. The live performance is back (…) there is something moving at the moment”relates the comedian, who describes a moment of applause even before the start of the show to mark the reunion.

07:58 : While some of the restrictions are lifted today, Bruno Retailleau, the leader of the LR senators, wants France to prepare now for the arrival of a possible dangerous variant. On the franceinfo set, he mentions in particular the installation of CO2 sensors in schools, the need to go door-to-door to vaccinate the most fragile people and the increase in the number of intensive care units.


07:41 : Immunocompromised people can now obtain free FFP2 masks in pharmacies, according to a decree published today in the Official Journal (PDF link). To be able to benefit from it, these people must present a medical prescription to the pharmacist. They will receive 20 masks for two weeks or 50 masks for five weeks.

07:19 : “During previous waves, it had been observed that antibodies remained present for more than a year after infection, even if their quantity gradually decreased.”

The duration of the immunity conferred by the infection will also depend on the emergence or not in the coming months of a new variant capable of escaping the immunity acquired in the past, like Omicron at the end of the year 2021. Find all the explanations in our article.

07:17 : “After being sick, you are generally well protected against re-infection. The question will be how much protection will be in three months.”

How long can the millions of people infected in recent weeks hope to be safe from further contamination? It’s still a bit early to know.

07:14 : Are the millions of people who have contracted Covid-19 in recent weeks safe from a new infection? Is their immune system better armed against the virus than after a simple vaccination? Franceinfo asked these questions to specialists.


06:30 : Pfizer announced yesterday that it is requesting emergency authorization in the United States for its vaccine against Covid-19 for children aged six months to 4 years. The application, filed with the US Medicines Agency (FDA), concerns a series of two doses. But it should eventually include three, according to the Pfizer-BioNTech alliance. “We believe three doses of vaccine will be needed for children 6 months to 4 years of age to achieve a high level of protection against current and future variants.”specifies Albert Bourla, the boss of Pfizer.

06:22 : “We must remain vigilant, as hospital pressure remains high.”

In an interview at The voice of the North (article subscribers)Emmanuel Macron calls for vigilance despite the lifting of some of the restrictions. “Those who think that we would have finished with the epidemic, it is wrong”he warns.

06:14 : This easing of measures comes as the indicators remain high and the circulation of the virus is still very active. On average over seven days, 322,256 cases have been recorded, according to the latest figures (compared to 366,179 a week ago). The number of patients in intensive care remained stable over a week (3,751 yesterday against 3,741 last Tuesday), and hospitalizations continue to increase.

07:17 : The next stage will take place on February 16. Nightclubs, closed since December 10, will be able to reopen. Standing concerts will be allowed again. Consumption at the counter will be possible in bars, as will consumption in stadiums, cinemas and transport.

07:17 : After European neighbors such as England and Denmark, France lifts, as planned, some of the restrictions. As of today, wearing a mask is no longer compulsory outdoors, the gauges in places receiving the seated public (stadiums, cultural establishments, etc.) are abandoned and teleworking is no longer imposed, but only recommended.

06:15 : Let’s start the day with a first reminder of the main titles:

• Is the return to life before, is it coming soon? France is today lifting some restrictions following a two-step schedule. Wearing a mask is no longer compulsory outdoors, the gauges in places receiving the seated public (stadiums, cultural establishments, etc.) are abandoned and teleworking is no longer imposed.

• Judgment is harsh. For the Abbé-Pierre Foundation, housing was a “poor relation of the quinquennium”. In its 27th annual report on the state of poor housing in France, the association reveals a bitter assessment of Emmanuel Macron’s mandate. Our journalist Yann Thompson has highlighted, in this article, the main lessons of this study.

• Who inspects nursing homes? Are these checks frequent? The question is central after the revelations of the book-investigation The Gravediggers. Franceinfo answers six questions to better understand this case.

• Sven Lelandais, brother of Nordahl Lelandais, was heard on Tuesday by the Assize Court of Isère, where the latter is on trial for the murder of little Maëlys. The accused’s brother enlightened the jurors in his own way about the family’s mode of operation. Our journalist Catherine Fournier looks back on this day of hearing.

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