Diane Leyre (Miss France 2022) violently tackled after her appearance in “C à Vous”

A busy schedule. By becoming Miss France, the chosen young woman lives a fairy tale for twelve months. However, despite the magic of this tale, it also “offers” some bad sides. Like in particular the fact of chaining the TV sets to discuss his start of reign and his projects, and this can sometimes be trying and take a lot of time. But a Miss France must also face criticism. As for a President of the Republic, a humorist, or even a singer, a beauty queen cannot please 100% of people. And must, therefore, face and overcome the criticisms it may receive on social networks or other. Proof of this is with the passage of Diane Leyre in C à Vous on France 5.

Miss France 2022 was accompanied by Sylvie Tellier on the set of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine’s show. The first evoking a fun moment during the Miss France competition last December. “I stumbled at Miss Paris, I stumbled at Île de France, I stumbled at Miss France… I expected that, huh”, she begins by joking about the moment when she almost fell in front of millions of viewers before adding: “And I had told Île de France that I had tripped. But suddenly, we had talked about it off with my committee, laughing. And then, when it happened, it made me laugh so much! Because I expected it so much. In addition I see Miss Alsace just before tripping, so I say to myself ‘this is my moment for sure’, I was waiting for her. Anyway I said to myself ‘it will happen’. So if you miss it it’s not possible, it means that you will not go to the end”. Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine taking the opportunity to ask Sylvie Tellier: “Is it eliminatory a fall Sylvie?. To which she then replied:Nooo. I often tell them backstage that I remember a Miss USA falling at Miss Universe and bouncing back, she got up, she smiled and walked away and she was one of the finalists. I find that, on the contrary, it shows that we are live, that we are not perfect.

A rather amusing moment which however did not convince the twittos. The latter are indeed many to criticize Diane Leyre and regret the passage of this one in the emission of France 5: “She is moderately beautiful in fact…and unbearable. Too bad, I liked it’s yours, but the Miss France, forced to zap. How in the 21st century a bullshit like Miss France like that can still exist?. Fortunately, others have expressed their joy at seeing the sublime brunette again on a TV set.

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