The double news of Laurent Barat

It’s clear !

In this show created in 2020, Laurent transforms the room into a waiting room where all our ailments, our phobias and our anxieties are abused ! A hilarious group therapy of which you are an integral part! Be “patient”, the new treatment is coming!

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He gives you appointments in particular in Nice or Aix-En-Provence for the last dates of It’s clear !

Full screen

Very last dates since Laurent Barat is running his new show “Ecran Total” ! It is a brand new man who presents himself to you in this new creation. A home made in 2022, a connected man!

He does meditation thanks to the “Petit Bambou” application. He does his shopping using the “Yuka” app. He is looking for true love thanks to dating apps! And to keep in shape, he downloaded an app that counts his steps and he even found one that helped him test intermittent fasting!

In short, Laurent Barat is a man of his time, completely addicted to screens! Shared between the desire to be liked and the nostalgia for real human relationships, everyone will recognize themselves in this crazy show where stand up, characters and even some imitations mingle!

He gives you an appointment in Paris and on tour throughout France for the running of “Full screen”.

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