Already suspected of being faked after the words of Chantal Ladesou in 2019 and Anouar Toubali in 2018, it is now the daughter of the former juror Marie-Claude Pietragalla who implies that the winners of the show Dance with the stars would already be chosen in advance. On her TikTok, Lola Derouault notably argued that the jury scores were decided before the bonus. The young woman also assures that “the audience’s applause is handled by a set driver” and “some stars are execrable but nice in front of the cameras“…
Asked about the set of TPMP open to all on October 29, 2021 on C8, the columnist Emilie Lopez confided to be shocked by the words of the daughter of the French choreographer. “It’s completely impossible let it be rigged. I’ll give you an example, two weeks ago Aurélie Pons broke her mouth while dancing. If the grades were decided in advance, don’t you think it would have been complicated for them?” she says, “No because a fall is a dance incident“, replied Benjamin Castaldi, visibly skeptical also about the authenticity of the show.
“I had Chris Marques on the phone continues the columnist, He told me that he did not understand absolutely why she had said that, even more the daughter of Marie-Claude Pietragalla because Pietra is really the person on whom nothing can be imposed. What he explained to me is that before each bonus, they have a meeting with the jurors and the production where they say to themselves ‘Well, here we are going to have such and such a painting, such a thing’ and we remind them of what they said the week before. For example, they will take a candidate, they will say ‘Chris last week you told the machine to watch his ankles carefully’ and that way he has in his head what he said the previous week. But that’s all ! We impose absolutely nothing on them it’s not possible to impose anything on them!“