International football star accused of rape by girlfriend

A dark affair that sends shivers down your spine. Mason Greenwood, a 20-year-old footballer who plays as a striker at Manchester United, is accused of violence by his partner, Harriet Robson. The young woman posted a series of terrifying photos, accompanied by the following comment: “For anyone who wants to know what Mason Greenwood is really doing to me.” On the pictures published on her Instagram account before being deleted, we can notably distinguish Harriet Robson with her face in blood. We can also see hematomas and contusions, on several places of his body.

Eager not to leave it at that, Harriet Robson then shared an audio recording dating from October 2021, on which it is understood that the player forces her to have sex. “Move your fucking legs”, yells the sportsman. No, I don’t want to make love”, responds a female voice. “I don’t care what you want, little shit”, then strikes the individual.

It didn’t take long for these terrible accusations to have consequences. The 20-year-old footballer has thus been removed from the professional workforce, as indicated by the Red Devils via an official press release relayed by the English media. “We are aware of the images and allegations circulating on social media. We will not comment further until the facts are established. Manchester United do not tolerate any form of violence. Mason Greenwood will not return to the training or playing matches until further notice”, can we read. An investigation is now underway to shed light on this case.

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