there are “difficulties” in the private sector as in the public sector, affirms the former Minister of Health, Claude Evin

Should private nursing homes be nationalized? This is the proposal made by several presidential candidates after the revelations of abuse within the Orpea group.“I don’t think it’s a problem of the status of establishments”, reacted on franceinfo, Sunday January 30, Claude Evinlawyer, former Minister of Health and former director of ARS Île-de-France.

>> “In management, they made themselves very small”: an inspection launched at the Ehpad Orpea in Neuilly-sur-Seine, after suspicions of abuse

According to Claude Évin, “unfortunately, there are difficulties, shortcomings, in the care regardless of the legal status of the establishment”. “And I say the word difficulties with modesty because unfortunately in people’s lives, it’s often much more dramatic than that”, he continued.

“When it comes, for example, to a public hospital which also has constraints on its medical-surgical activities, the upgrading of buildings that house nursing homes is not always there”, said the former boss of ARS Île-de-France who, in 2014, had denounced the fraudulent practices of private establishments to capture public money. However, according to Claude Evin, “establishments in general fulfill the mission entrusted to them”. He therefore calls for “stop stigmatizing all medico-social establishments”.

“There are controls in establishments, both financially and in terms of care for the elderly”he insisted while wondering: “Are there enough controls?”.

“There can be abuses because there are people who try to get through the constraints of the administration and it is up to the administration to be vigilant in this matter”

Claude Evin

at franceinfo

When he directed the ARS of Ile-de-France, Claude Evin claimed to have “closed establishments that did not guarantee the quality of care for residents”. “My teams carried out unannounced checks in the early morning, as police services would have done to establishments to go and check without having informed the establishment”.

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