Maddy Burciaga, the darling of Benjamin Samat, still too naked for her subscribers, she is lynched

Being proud of your body is a fact. But showing it too much is not always advisable. Proof is with Maddy Burciaga. Indeed, everyone will undoubtedly agree that the former candidate of “Who wants to marry my son?” has a dream figure in addition to an angel face. Admittedly, cosmetic surgery has helped to enhance her beauty, however, the darling of Benjamin Samat remains a very beautiful woman, even naturally. She has known this for several years now and it is undoubtedly for this reason that she never hesitates to reveal a little too much on her social networks. Although this is welcomed by a majority of its subscribers, another part hates this “too sexy” side of the reality TV candidate.

The latter has already expressed this dissatisfaction and this, only a few days ago. When the pretty blonde appeared on Instagram in very sexy purple lingerie. An “outfit” arousing the indignation of its subscribers: “Her boyfriend claims to love her, but feels no jealousy about it?”let a user know before another added: “A husband can accept that his wife is like that on social networks? Worse and worse, there is no class, no self-respect, and even less respect for her husband! Note, he doesn’t care.” Maddy Burciaga did not react to these criticisms. But she may well do so following the latest remarks generated after her last publication. A post in which she appears with a khaki blouse and white glasses on her head. Nothing alarming so far, until Internet users focus on the chest of Benjamin Samat’s sweetheart…

Indeed, the blouse in question, very very low-cut, revealed part of the chest of the beautiful … It was enough to bring out her haters who came out of their hinges. “Another part of his body well targeted, very apparent… I’m really going to end up unsubscribing, it’s all the time now”regretted a follower before another was more violent and directly challenged Benjamin Samat: “take your girl seriously, we see everything there!”. Fortunately, Maddy was still able to count on a majority of comments praising her beauty.

See this post on Instagram A post shared by Maddyburciaga (@maddyburciaga)


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