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Some hours before that joe Biden pronounce a speech about his major infrastructure projects, Friday, January 28, a snow-covered highway bridge collapsed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA).
We can see a mass of flattened concrete at the bottom of the valley. It is a broken bridge in several pieces. It is 6 a.m., Friday, January 28, several vehicles are driving on this work in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (United States)when it suddenly collapses. A fall of 18 meters. The driver of a red bus felt the ground give way, he braked immediately.
Help arrived very quickly. Usually, 15,000 vehicles use this bridge every day, but because of the snow yesterday, few crossed it. The balance sheet is surprisingly light. “We were able to extricate everyone, and we have 10 minor injuries and 3 people hospitalized, but their lives are not in danger”, said Darryl Jones, Pittsburgh Fire Chief. Ironically, the American president was in Pittsburgh, precisely to announce massive investments, in order to strengthen the country’s infrastructure. The exact causes of the collapse remain unknown for the time being.