the unusual images that made the news of the week



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Like every week, it’s time for the weekly photo. A week of news in a few rare or unusual shots. In summary, snow in Jerusalem, a tropical storm in Madagascar and Boris Johnson jogging with his dog.

Cars stand overhead after a tropical storm hit Madagascar. Here is the first snapshot of the weekly photo. A garage even collapsed on a house. In another photo, he is a child who no longer has a home in Syria as temperatures drop below freezing.

Cold wave in Jerusalem. Twenty centimeters of snow fell at the base of the Dome of the Rock, enough to improvise a snowball fight. He is not shy. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson jogs with his dog in the early hours of the morning. The last snapshot of the weekly photo is in a Nosferatu the vampire atmosphere. Gothic make-up, pointed nails, raised shoulders… A fashion show highlights the beauty of the dark side.

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