[EN IMAGES] Convoy of truckers to Ottawa: many demonstrators in Lévis

The convoy of truckers and protesters en route to Ottawa attracted a few hundred supporters opposed to vaccination and health rules Friday in Lévis.

• Read also: [IMAGES] Mobilization of truckers across Quebec

• Read also: The convoy of truckers forces the closure of a vaccination clinic in Gatineau

The demonstrators massed on the overpasses overlooking Highway 20, in particular those of the Lagueux and Rivières roads.

The gatherings peaked shortly after 10 a.m., for the passage of the procession of trucks and vehicles coming from eastern Quebec and the Maritimes.

Photo QMI Agency, René Leclerc

About fifty trucks left Rivière-du-Loup at the start of the day.

The truckers had planned to make a stop in Lévis, but abandoned the idea when the police closed certain strategic exits on their way.

Photo QMI Agency, René Leclerc

Many claims

The gatherings took place peacefully. While many mentioned being in support of unvaccinated truckers, who can no longer cross Canadian and American borders, the demands were disparate.

People of all ages, sometimes accompanied by their children, wanted to make known their fed up with health measures, particularly the vaccine passport.

Photo QMI Agency, Marc Vallières

“We are in the process of escaping it completely and then I think we have to put an end to all that,” thinks Jennifer, from Quebec, who moved with her boy.

“We need a return to normal life”, wishes this lady who fears that “we are going towards a wall with the economy”.

Photo QMI Agency, Marc Vallières

Vaccination passport

As the province tries to emerge from a fifth wave of infections that has overwhelmed hospitals with unvaccinated patients and caused the postponement of many surgeries, in addition to claiming more than 1,400 lives, protesters have argued that the vaccine passport violates their rights.

The protesters waved Canadian flags and signs to “thank” the truckers, ask for “freedom” or even demand the resignation of Justin Trudeau.

“I want to denounce that they keep going after the unvaccinated. We’re not all crazy heads. We are very civilized people. If there is one who pays attention to that, it is me, I protect myself, ”supported a 67-year-old woman from Saint-Étienne.

Photo QMI Agency, Marc Vallières

The same kind of scene repeated itself almost everywhere in the province and in the country, while thousands of protesters are expected in the federal capital during the weekend.

Similar gatherings were also seen near Highway 73 in Beauce.

The movement, however, divides the community of truckers, while some denounce the instrumentalization of their industry by conspiracy groups.


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