It has now been several years since Geraldine Maillet rebuilt his life with Daniel Riolo, after separating from the father of her daughter Mathilde (18). The 49-year-old novelist and ex-model rarely confides in her private life, but she is always pushed to make a few exceptions on the set of Do not touch My TV. Thursday January 27, 2022 again, Géraldine Maillet therefore spoke of her companion and their daily life as well-known personalities. Because, remember that Daniel Riolo is a renowned sports journalist.
“I would like to know Géraldine… Who do you recognize the most in the street?“, asked him in particular Cyril Hanouna. “Often the men recognize Daniel, and the women, me. It depends, people are very nice. After, we’re not stars, we’re radio and tv stars“, nuanced Géraldine Maillet. Anyway, there was never any jealousy between Géraldine Maillet and Daniel Riolo as to who was the more famous of the two or who was more successful. On the contrary, the pretty brunette couldn’t be happier for the success that Daniel Riolo is having.”We come from very different backgrounds… I have a lot of admiration for him… The more he is known, the happier I am with him, I think he deserves it“, she said, certain that her darling shares the same feeling vis-à-vis her.
A reciprocal benevolence and a decline around their media exposure that the columnist explains by their age. “Afterwards we are also old Cyril. We met late. It’s not the same to be known at 50 than at 25. We had many lives before“, she pointed out.
Their late meeting will in any case not have prevented Géraldine Maillet from having a “absolute love at first sight” for the chronicler of big mouths on RMC. “I saw it and it was kind of obvious. A shock ! An inner tremor. (…) I saw him and thought he was handsome, funny, smart, witty, he had it all. I fell madly in love with him in a second“, she confessed in March 2021 in Do not touch My TV.